Based on Art. 8 of the Law on Trademarks, the Intellectual Property Office maintains a single Register that contains bibliographic data on applications and registered trademarks, as well as displays of signs applied for trademarks and registered trademarks. The E-Trademark Register also includes data on changes related to applications and registered trademarks, for which a procedure was conducted at the request of the party.
Registers and Databases
Review of e-Registers and databases of Intellectual Property Office as well as other publicly available international databases on industrial property rights.
Е-Trademark Register

For data contained in the E-Trademark Register, the Intellectual Property Office, at the request of the interested person, issues excerpts from the register that have the significance of a public document for which the presumption of accuracy of the data contained in it applies.
By inspecting the E- Trademark Register, all interested persons can obtain information on the following data:
- Number and date of filing the application, regarding date of registration and registration number of the trademark;
- Business name and registered office of the right holder, regarding name and address of the natural person;
- Data on the legal attorney;
- The mark for which protection is sought, regarding the appearance of the trademark and the description of the colors
- The type of trademark;
- Information on the classes in which the goods or services are classified;
- Data on changes related to the application, regarding trademark: transfer of rights, license, pledge; status changes occurred with the applicant, licensee, or pledgee; restriction of the list of goods, regarding services and other data important for the legal status of the application, regarding trademark;
- Information on the manner of terminating the administrative procedure;
- The date until which the trademark is valid, as well as information on the extension of the validity of the trademark.
Madrid Monitor Database
In addition to the E-register of national trademarks, you can also search the international trademark database
Trademark classifications
List of classes with the explanations
The explanatory class list contains a list of classes in which the general designations of goods and services belonging to a particular class are included, together with notes setting out additional criteria for classifying goods and services.
Detailed List of classes in English or French
In this section you can see a detailed list of goods and services classified in the classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services in English and French available on the WIPO website.
Vienna Classification
Here you can see the international classification of figurative elements of trademarks in English and French, which is available on the WIPO website.
MGS Manager is a WIPO application that helps applicants to compile lists of goods and services in order to file a national or international trademark application worldwide.
EUIPO eSearch database
This database is the so-called Community trademark (CTM) database, for trademarks that are valid throughout the European Union. The application for registration of a Community trademark is submitted to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). This trademark protection system is specific in that it is a procedure conducted by EUIPO and as a result is a trademark that is valid in all EU Member States.
This database enables a very simple search of trademarks contained in the databases of the more than 60 offices, from member states of the European Union, in the international trademark databases EUIPO and WIPO, but also in many other national databases from Europe and the world.
Global Brand Database
Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems.