The Intellectual Property Office

The Intellectual Property Office is an institution that is responsible for the tasks related to industrial property rights, copyright, and related rights.

Learn more about IP About us
Patent is the right protecting invention from any field of technology in the period of 20 years. Patent can be used to protect any innovation that solves a certain technical problem in the form of a product or process.
Do you want your products or services to differ from the same or similar products and services on the market and prevent others from copying them?
You are in the right place!
Copyright and Related Rights
Original works of authorship, from various creative fields, are subject to protection with copyright and related rights.
Industrial Design
Esthetic appearance of some product has great influence on the success of that product on the market. Protect your new design before marketing that product in order to prevent copying.
Indications of Geographical Origin
Indications of geographical origin are the common title for two types of indications: appellation of origin and geographical indication, which determine products and services that originate from a certain geographical region.
Other rights
Learn more about other formal intellectual property rights and intellectual property that may be relevant to your business
Copyright and Related Rights
Industrial Design
Indications of Geographical Origin
Other rights


All registers and patent databases


All registers and trademark databases

Copyright and Related Rights

Records of copyright and related rights

Industrial Design

Industrial design databases

Indications of Geographical Origin

All registers and databases


News from the Intellectual Property Office and other areas and institutions.

Enforcement of IP laws
Criminal suits for the sale of counterfeited clothes and footwear
The suspects, over the Internet, in the longer time period, in the country or abroad, sold footwear and clothes for which it has been established that it concerns forgery of high quality of well-known luxury trademarks
Enforcement of IP laws
Forged medicament Ozempic (semaglutide) – warning of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on June 19, 2024, about the appearance of the forged medicament Ozempic and the risks implied with the consummation of this forged product
Important information: New fees enter into force from August 1, 2024
On Thursday, August 1, 2024, page with the Fees shall be temporarily unavailable because of the change of the amount of the fees and it shall be available again as soon as the updating is finished
Master program on Intellectual Property and Development Policy in South Korea 2025
This Master’s Program is focused on IP-related policies, patents, copyrights, trademarks
Bilateral meetings and statements in the course of the sessions of the WIPO General Assembly
At the meeting with the director of the Department of the Countries in Transition and Developed Countries, Director Habib Asan and his team, discussions were held about the programs of cooperation realized in the period between two sessions as well as plans for the following year
Renewed Memorandum on Understanding with the European Union Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO
After the regional cooperation meeting with the EUIPO, a new Memorandum on Understanding and the bilateral cooperation between the EUIPO and the IP Office of Serbia has been signed
WIPO General Assembly – 65th serial of sessions
At the seat of the World Intellectual Property Office – WIPO, in Geneva, the 65th serial of sessions of the General Assembly of WIPO member states was opened yesterday and it will take place in the period July 9-17, 2024
It is a season of raspberries, do you know who is the authorized user of the “Raspberry from Arilje”?
The authorized users have the exclusive right to use the protected appellation of origin for the marking of the product that the appellation of origin refers to
July 10th, Birthday of Nikola Tesla and Day of Science in the Republic of Serbia
His most important works are the inventions on which our everyday life is grounded, and this refers, first of all to his system of alternating currents
Public invitation of the Innovation Fund “Serbia Ventures AI” for the investment into AI startups
Serbia Ventures AI program represents a significant progress in the development of the innovation ecosystem in Serbia, which will support the growth of the startups in the field of artificial intelligence

The Value of Intellectual Property in Business

Intellectual property, as an intangible asset, can be much more valuable than your company's physical assets. It can become a valuable tool in the process of positioning in the market and provide a competitive advantage over the competition. That is why it is important to identify it and protect it in time with appropriate intellectual property rights.


How Intellectual Property Affects Business

A good idea can be key to developing someone's business. Therefore, it should be adequately protected using intellectual property rights.

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Stories of Serbian Companies

Learn more about the importance of protecting intellectual property firsthand. Experiences of SMEs reveal how they protect their brands and businesses.

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Intellectual Property Pre-diagnostics

By using the intellectual property pre-diagnostic service, companies gain a clear insight into their strengths and weaknesses related to intellectual property.

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Science and Technology in the Protection of Intellectual Property

Protection of scientific results is one of the basic preconditions for the successful commercialization of inventions. Learn the process from the emergence of the invention to its commercialization.

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